Deeply connect with yourself, others, and nature

2nd Sunday Community Gatherings

2nd Sunday Carmichael 3-14-2021

When: March 14 , 2021 - Sunday
Where: 950 Harrington Way, Carmichael
Time: 9 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

2nd Sunday Carmichael 3-14-2021 Details

When:March 14 , 2021 - Sunday

Where:950 Harrington Way, Carmichael

Time:9 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Last month we embodied the 5 Voices of Bird language and the 12 shapes of bird alarms. This month, we will hold a Bird Sit, where we will sit at a sit spot for several minutes and document what we see and hear. At the end, we will catch all the participants’ stories and create a map of the area that tells one big visual story of all the bird language we saw combined. Just as we stated last month- come fall in LOVE with Bird Language. it really will change your view of the natural world.

We will meet in the parking lot at 950 Harrington Way at 9 a.m. and practice social distancing. Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth. Bring a camp chair, and binoculars if you have them. Daylight savings time takes affect the night before, so there will be hot coffee ready for you!

2nd Sunday Carmichael 3-14-2021 GALLERY

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